Help Us Melt Freezing Hearts this Giving Tuesday! ❄️❤️

This rescue is reality...

Stray Cat Blues received a call for help about a colony of cats in need. There are probably more than 40 cats involved in this case. Late Wednesday night November 1, 2023 one of our trappers went to the site in Perkiomenville and rescued 7 kittens from a window well in the freezing cold. There were 8, but one had already died. One of our fosters took them in and worked through the night to save these babies. Here is an account of the first several days of two of these miracle kitties in the care of Stray Cat Blues.

Benji was four weeks old and weighed only 180g when rescued. His eyes were sealed shut from a URI. In the first 24 hours with us, you can see an amazing transformation.

Bear was a little older, maybe 5-1/2 weeks old. He was so congested; you could hear his raspy breathing from across the room. After a warm bath, he felt so much better!

Another day or two out there and they surely would have died from the cold and illness. Warm compresses, eye drops and antibiotics brought immediate relief. Syringe feeding filled their empty tummies. Sleeping in a box with heavy blankets and hot water bottles gave them great warmth and comfort like they’ve never known in their short, miserable lives.

After a couple of days, it became clear that we were dealing with more than just respiratory issues. These little munchkins also had ringworm and were infested with lice! Our lifesaving support continued in the following weeks. After many baths and lots of intensive care, Bear and Benji are progressing nicely. They still have a way to go before they get a clean bill of health, but we are guardedly optimistic that we got to these babies in time. and they will survive this horrible start in life. Unfortunately, many don’t.

After pictures of Benji

Join Stray Cat Blues this Giving Tuesday and help save as many lives as possible by making a donation TODAY!

We can all make a difference TOGETHER!


🐾 A remarkable transformation: Reds' journey from despair to paradise


Cats came running from everywhere…