Volunteers are the lifeblood of our organization, and we are always looking for your participation. We need you, and our kitties need you too!
Where will you volunteer?
Trapping is the front line of cat rescue. By trapping stray, unowned cats and kittens in the community, (taking them to a clinic to get them spayed/neutered vaccinated and returning them back to their “home”) we are humanely controlling the cat overpopulation. This creates a better environment for these cats while preventing more kittens from being born. No experience is necessary. We have the equipment and training you need to help out.
Do you love cats? Stray Cat Blues needs volunteers of all sorts to help at the Adoption Centers in the PetSmart stores in Collegeville and North Wales, PA. If you love cats and share our passion for rescuing homeless cats and kittens, then complete our volunteer application today and learn how you can make a positive difference in the lives of these kitties and in your own community.
Do you have free time during the day, early evenings or weekends? Cage cleaners help at our PetSmart North Wales and PetSmart Collegeville locations and our new Whiskers Way Station in Lansdale to clean the cages of cats being kept in the adoption center and to feed, care for, and visit with them.
If you love cats and kittens please consider becoming a Stray Cat Blues foster home for our wonderful strays. We always need all the foster homes we can find. You will receive training and supplies and a helping hand through this heartwarming and important process. You can apply in any of several ways: complete a volunteer application online by clicking on the tab to the right on this page, call us at (215) 631-1851 and say you want to volunteer and/or become a foster home, email us, or stop by PetSmart on most weekends to talk to some of our volunteers.
Can't get out to help directly with the cats? We have many opportunities to volunteer that you can do from your home - fundraising, fielding email inquiries, public relations.
Our barn cat program is located in Green Lane. Here is where we hold the cats who are not socialized to humans and would not do well living inside but can not go back to their original “home” until a barn home can be found. Help is needed to care for these cats until they can find a placement.
Our Program Opportunities
Whiskers Way
Whiskers Way Station opened in 2018 to serve as our headquarters and can facilitate up to 20 adult cats. Volunteers help socialize the cats at the station to prepare them for their forever home.
Join our Trap-Neuter-Return Team. Volunteers needed to help trap cats, transport for spay/neuter. No set schedule. This is a great way to humanely fight cat overpopulation and make a big difference. Take on projects as you have time. Must be in good physical shape and have transportation. Please fill out a Volunteer Application below
Barn Cat
Some cats are not suitable for adoption into homes because they have not socialized. The barn cat program is an option for these cats to have a life where they can provide organic rodent control in exchange for water, food, and shelter. The cats are fostered in a comfortable space until an appropriate home comes along. Volunteers help care for them and get to see the cats slowly lose their fear and start to trust.
“A kitten is, in the animal world, what a rosebud is in the garden.”
— Robert Southey

Join Our Family
Use this form and join any of the above opportunities and/or programs that we offer.