Help Us Melt Freezing Hearts this Giving Tuesday! ❄️❤️
Stray Cat Blues received a call for help about a colony of cats in need. There are probably more than 40 cats involved in this case. Late Wednesday night November 1, 2023 one of our trappers went to the site in Perkiomenville and rescued 7 kittens from a window well in the freezing cold. […]

Cheesecake got a second chance... help give more second chances!! 💙
Stray Cat Blues gets calls all the time asking for TNR (trap/neuter/return) help with colonies of stray/feral cats. To the best of our ability, we do what we can to help control these populations. When there are youngsters in the group that have a possibility of socialization, we attempt to find fosters to turn them into adoptable house cats. And then there are dangerous situations where an SOS is put out for urgent help. Cheesecake (CC) falls into this category. […]

No cat should experience this.
Cupid’s story raised animal cruelty awareness nationwide […]