🐾 A remarkable transformation: Reds' journey from despair to paradise

Reds the feral cat was found emaciated, with burns on all his paw pads, infested with lice, and a general look of defeat on his face. Our compassionate and tireless trapper volunteer, Amy B. convinced volunteer foster Leslie C. to nurse Reds back to health, and to let him live a better life in a barn with a heated cellar. This is paradise for Reds, compared to living without any shelter and competing for scraps on a blacktop in a bowling alley parking lot!  

Reds is FIV+, and like many FIV cats, he had severe dental issues. Most of his teeth had already fallen out, and the remaining teeth were either loose or broken, leaving painful residual root sockets under his gums. In addition to burns from pavement on his paws and sunburn on his face, Reds also had broken nails on both front paws. But topping the long list of his painful conditions, Reds had an eye problem called entropion, where his lower eyelids turn in, causing the eyelashes and fur to rub against his corneas. Imagine one eyelash stuck in your eye, then multiply that by the dozens all the time! Thankfully, Reds underwent successful full mouth extractions and eyelid repair surgery.

Now he is fully recovered and Reds can finally enjoy his best life without pain and worry. As you can see, Reds has fattened & fluffed up on his regular wet food diet, and we swear that he’s smiling! It is through your generosity that we are able to continue to help more cats like Reds. 


As we continue the Spirit of Giving through the holidays and remember all those who are not as fortunate, Stray Cat Blues, Inc. is grateful for donors like you to help continue the work we do to support our mission!

Thank you to everyone who helped us raise $14,500 towards our goal of $35,000. This includes donations from GoFundMe, our website www.straycatblues.org, and checks mailed directly to Stray Cat Blues, Inc, P.O. Box 8, Colmar, PA 18915. Please remember all donations up to $35,000 will be matched.

Help us hit our target!

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